Michael Healy
Michael Healy
β° Active:
19 days Ago
19 days Ago
π Joined:
12 Apr 2019
12 Apr 2019
π₯ Team:
π’ Updates:
π Invited:
π Location:
Dubai, London, NYC, HK
Dubai, London, NYC, HK
β‘ Hourly Rate
π‘ Goals/Dreams:
π Bio:
π Industry Token:
π City Token:
π€ Personal Token:
π« Project Token:
β¬οΈ UNIT Received:
124,494,067.5 UNIT
124,494,067.5 UNIT
β¬οΈ UNIT Sent:
124,299,390.9 UNIT
124,299,390.9 UNIT
π Bond Staked:
4,010,000 UNIT
4,010,000 UNIT
π Vault Staked:
5,600,000 UNIT
5,600,000 UNIT
π UNIT Balance:
195,176.6 UNIT
195,176.6 UNIT
π UNIT Portfolio:
9,805,177 UNIT
9,805,177 UNIT
π± Weekly Volume:
(0 trades)
(0 trades)
π± Monthly Volume:
(0 trades)
(0 trades)
π± Total Volume:
(312 trades)
(312 trades)
π± Staked:
π± USDU Balance:
π’ @michael Updates
π’ Status
Excited for our vaults to go live, and so pleased that UNIT staking is already live too. link: www.unit.network
Excited for our vaults to go live, and so pleased that UNIT staking is already live too. link: www.unit.network
Hi Martin, noticed you accidentally transferred 1318 USDU to the USDU bank. Will arrange to have it sent to you. Thank you!
Hi Martin, noticed you accidentally transferred 1318 USDU to the USDU bank. Will arrange to have it sent to you. Thank you!