Michael Healy
Michael Healy
β° Active:
16 days Ago
16 days Ago
π Joined:
12 Apr 2019
12 Apr 2019
π₯ Team:
π’ Updates:
π Invited:
π Location:
Dubai, London, NYC, HK
Dubai, London, NYC, HK
β‘ Hourly Rate
π‘ Goals/Dreams:
π Bio:
π Industry Token:
π City Token:
π€ Personal Token:
π« Project Token:
β¬οΈ UNIT Received:
124,494,067.5 UNIT
124,494,067.5 UNIT
β¬οΈ UNIT Sent:
124,299,390.9 UNIT
124,299,390.9 UNIT
π Bond Staked:
4,010,000 UNIT
4,010,000 UNIT
π Vault Staked:
5,600,000 UNIT
5,600,000 UNIT
π UNIT Balance:
195,176.6 UNIT
195,176.6 UNIT
π UNIT Portfolio:
9,805,177 UNIT
9,805,177 UNIT
π± Weekly Volume:
(0 trades)
(0 trades)
π± Monthly Volume:
(0 trades)
(0 trades)
π± Total Volume:
(312 trades)
(312 trades)
π± Staked:
π± USDU Balance:
π’ @michael Updates
π’ Status
@cjlong92 yes most definitely! welcome to message here on unit by directly message link: app.unit.network else, can message on telegram link: t.me
@cjlong92 yes most definitely! welcome to message here on unit by directly message link: app.unit.network else, can message on telegram link: t.me
Hi Olenka, there is a 28 day unbonding period to unstake. Once the unbonding period passes, then you can unstake.
Hi Olenka, there is a 28 day unbonding period to unstake. Once the unbonding period passes, then you can unstake.